DENISE Vorraber

Forbes 30u30 | Speaker | Pitch Trainer


Services OFFered.


01 Pitch Training

The perfect pitch is a must for every startup. To have an amazing idea is the first step towards your startup success, but to present it on stage and to deliver it with emotion, in a structured manner and also with a sales purpose behind it is a different story.

Customers such as:


02 SPeaking

The main topics I speak about are entrepreneurship, pitching and workaholic's health. Those named subjects are themes, which I am passionate about and also have valuable experience. I’ve talked on international stages, inspired thousands of people and have worked with various partners in the past.

03 Guest Lecturing

I love teaching young students or university students on how to pitch on stage, or better said on how to pitch your startup on stage.

It is crucial that we start talking about entrepreneurship as young as middle school. Students need to know that this is also an option in life. And it can be a very fulfilling life choice. Let’s inspire the youth (and university students).

Universities I talked at:


That’s Me.

Hi, I'm Denise and I am a renowned Pitch Trainer from Austria. When I was 23 years old, one of my dreams came true: I got recognized by the Forbes Magazine as one of the "Forbes 30 under 30" most successful young leaders in the DACH region.

Leading people, giving valuable advice and just seeing people grow has always been something which I am very passionate about. This is also the reason why I got more involved in speaking on topics such as entrepreneurship/pitching and workaholic's health. Through my speaking career I got invited on many international stages and I could inspire more than 10.000 of people already.

But how were my first steps? Was I always this extrovert, stage-friendly person? Heck no!


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"Don't ever shy away from being your true self. Show us your personality in full color. We want to see it"

Pitch-Training @ Ideentriebwerk Graz